Muhammad bin Abdullah is the last Prophet and Messenger sent
by Allah. He was born in Mecca around 570 AD or in the year of the Elephant and
died in Medina 632 AD at the age of 63 years. His father's name was Abdullah
bin Abdul Muttalib and his mother was Aminah bint Wahab
In language, the word Muhammad means "he who is
praiseworthy". Muhammad Rasulullah SAW was orphaned since he was still in
his mother's womb. When he was 6 years old, his beloved mother, Aminah died.
Become an orphan at a very young age. Then the Prophet was taken care of by his
grandfather who loved him very much, Abdul Muttalib bin Hasyim. But when the
Prophet was about 8 years old, Abdul Muttalib was dead. Finally his care was
handed over to his uncle, Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib. In the care of the
uncle's family, Abu Talib, the Prophet grew and felt a lot of happiness. When
he was a child, Rasulullah worked as a goat herder and traded with his uncle in
a faraway land.
Prophet Muhammad SAW was married at the age of 25 years with
Khadijah bint Khuwailid (40 years). When the Prophet was 40 years old, the king
had received the first revelation from Allah through the angel Gabriel when he
was in the Cave of Hira. Three years after that incident, the king preached
openly to the inhabitants of Makkah by saying "God is One" and
re-teaching Islam, which at that time was forgotten by humans.
Rasulullah SAW ordered his followers to migrate to Habsyah
in 614 AD before His Majesty and other followers emigrated to Medina (formerly
known as Yathrib) in 622 AD The event of Rasulullah's emigration marked the
beginning of the Islamic calendar or the Hijrah takwim. In Medina, the
Messenger of Allah united all tribes under the Medina Charter. After a dispute
with the inhabitants of Makkah for 8 years, the king brought 10,000 troops to
Makkah and opened it. Rasulullah and his followers destroyed the idol statue in
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